My Research
A Little History
Rife had two claims to fame. One was that he was able to cure
cancer using his frequency devices. But before that, he invented his "Universal
Microscope". Most microscopes that use light as an illumination source can only get a
maximum of about 2500X magnification.
Rife created a way using prisms and complex light pathways to increase magnification to
60,000X, and had a resolution of 31,000X.
In the course of his research, he created 5 microscopes with this technique. Rife built
his first microscope in 1920 and later, after much research and work on microscope
optics and light sources, he patented a high-intensity lamp for microscope use in
1929 (Patent #1727618). His first microscope, "Number 1", was built on an optical bench
similar to a lathe bed. Microscope #2 was similar in construction, but built in 1923 in
a vertical format similar to a standard microscope. #2 was sent to Northwestern
University for Dr. Arthur Kendall's use, apparently for some time around 1932. Unit #3
(pictured at left) built in 1933, was the "Universal Microscope" which had provisions
for polarized, bright field, dark field, infrared and ultraviolet imaging. #3 was the
unit which is talked about so much, since it is the unit which Rife used to examine
live virus samples.
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Q and A's I wonder about: I've talked to a few people and I believe mostly, their intent is sincere. They are capable people and have big hearts. There are a few people out there trying to create something they don't know how to. But for the most part, I see a lot of good people trying to find an answer. I do however, believe that there's less than scientific approach being used to explain the results we see. This is what I hear this from most proponents: Q: I've heard many times that "When they do a blind study of patients, this will prove what can be done." But why does some acredited lab have to do the work? Why not some independent lab? A: "Well, if you tried to prove you could cure one particular thing, you'd have to do all these things that the AMA requires. And it's always vitoed by them in the end." Comment: I guess I'm wondering, "who cares?" If I had the money and I did an independent study using all the same criteria as the AMA and proved it worked, then who gives a rat's patootie if the AMA approves it or not? I just proved it using the same proceedure. At this point, the public knows it's the AMA's fault that it's ignoring it. That's a powerful weapon. Q: I've seen the video of a parmecium being "exploded". And I've heard accounts of people who have seen this personally. What I'm wondering is, has this ever been shown with "good" paramecium next to a "bad" paramecium and only the bad one is effected? I can put anything in my microwave and kill it, but can this be done selectively so only the bad one is effected? A: It took a while, but Don Tunney answered this one for me. First he pointed out that this particular paramecium, like any other, had a specific frequency and that he had personally seen only that particular one destroyed while all other material around went unscathed. Thanks Don. Q: Invariably, the main reason people give that the Rife device isn't used or approved by more mainstream medical society, is that it's the drug companies' fear of someone being able to push a button and cure something, most anything, without drugs. I can believe that to a certain extent, but look at places like Africa where entire generations are dying of AIDS. If you went there and started curing them do you think officials would care if you were saving the entire population of a nation? THEY are desperate and not opposed to thumbing their nose at any agency for the sake of survival. Why aren't Rife devices being used there, where they're needed the most? A: Opinions have been given, but so far no solid answer. Comment: In some ways I agree that there are probably cover-ups going on all the time. But death is a funny thing. Get enough of it and it levels the playing feild. When the Vietnam war was broadcast on our television sets and spilled onto our living room floors at diner time, we all took a stand and became reactionaries. That can happen again here. I refuse to believe that absolute, verifiable proof wouldn't pull us out of the dark ages once and for all. Even if I had to buy my own island and make my own country, and have peolpe from all over come there for a cure, I'd find a way. You don't bring down a mountain without first chipping away at it. Also, a good point was made to me that we still buy Tylenol and all other kinds of medicines that aren't alternative treatments or cures to Rife technology. Q: Even after Rife goes to trial in the late 1930s for fraud based on his frequency devices, why dosen't he focus on mass producing his microscope? After all, the AMA had no regulatory claim on the building of microscopes. Createing and selling such advanced technology for the time certainly would have made Rife a rich man. Then he could do all the laboratory work he wanted. Why didn't he do that in the 1950s as well? A:Anyone? Back To Top Of Page
Media Files of Rife Information: Rife Speaks is an audio file on Stan Truman's site: Rife Plasma Digest, and you'll find it half way down the page under a link entilted: "Rife Audio CDs" It's is a Real Audio file that lasts 4 minutes. The Tour right below that, still near the middle of the page, is a Tour of Rife's Lab narrated by John Crane, however, some times this link doesn't work. It's a Real Audio/Video file that lasts about 1 hour. The Interview is a file that's an Interview with James Bare. It's a Real Audio file and lasts 3 hours. I hope you can stand listening to the 38 minutes worth of theme and interlude music in it. Back To Top Of Page All information brought to you by MyResearch |